KMSpico 10.1 Bubba Installer Download





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KMSpico 10.1 Bubba Installer Download

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KMSpico FINAL + Mobile (Office and Windows 10 Activator)

KMSpico is the perfect tool for including the latest version of Windows 7/8 and Office 2010/2013/2016. To intervene users for operators is not required, the entire activation process occurs in the background, just runactivator and a few minutes to check the activation status of Windows and / or Office.

Important: if you like MS Windows and MS Office, buy the original law and support the program criteria program, but you recommend buying the law from the creator (M $ Corp). I did it fun, and now I didit’s with this. Work on the new edition of the W10 and 2016 Office and the DELIVERY LICENSE. This is not murder, Farewell, Heid, Qiao, Aloha, Zagna, Doi

Based on the open source KMSEmulator mikmik38, qad, jm287, zm0d, CODYQX4.

Additional tips:

– Exempt from the% ProgramFiles% KMSpico * directory. Exe in Anti-Virus orDefender.

– Requirements: .NET Windows 8


WindowsVista Bussines / Enterprise

Windows 7 Professional / Enterprise

Windows 8 all (By Now)

Office 2010/2013/2016 (theoretically)

Windows Server 2008 / 2008R2 / 2012 / 2012R2 / 2016 (in theory)

Change Log

– Additional support for converting O365-2016.

– Fixed fix with W10 Build 10576.

– Configurean error.

+ –––––- +

| | How to use |

+ –––––- +

1) Open instructions and reading

TechTools / ThumperDC


KMSpico 10.1

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