LocK A FoLdeR x64 x86 torrent





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LocK A FoLdeR x64 x86 torrent

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Lock-A-folder can be a great tool for people who are looking for ways to hide a specific folder containing the lively eyes of others. It is simple to use and because it is a package of open source software, you do not need to download and run the program fee.

main featuresand application

The main intention of Lock-A-FoLdeRyw create files that are encrypted with a master password used by the user. The process itself is very simple. First select the folder in which you locked. karystalnikPry clicking on the icon and create a password protected. After the passwordentered and confirmed, the folder will be locked. However, it also disappears from the desktop itself. Restore folders ‘hidden’ This requires users to gain access to the main program and its gofnodiyn same password.


You can hide an unlimitednumber LOCK-A-FOLDER files. Choose different passwords for each file, or may choose parolrazblakavats entire group. It would take very little memory, so that the package can be a good choice for operating arafachsystem. It works with Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

LocK A FoLdeR

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